No fees for bank transaction in the countries of the Euro area . In countries outside this area but member state of the UE there are banks charges for any transaction : direct payment or withdrawals . Abroad, our bank runs as in France, we can use website, application, make transfers on it, etc. Some advices of my Bank : • Banks advice to have an appointment with an adviser to check what will be needed abroad, to adjust the offer. Like for instance : increase bank ceilings , or create a second card in case of rob. • Make a “ proxy ” with parents, to give them right of access to your account in France. In order to settle troubles if you cannot move directly in your agency. + You can also see agreements between Kedge and Banks to have some discount (like in LCL) + You can ask for a "Credit Card", to be able to be in overdraft, if you have to make a big expense (not the same as Debit card ) + Mo